COVID-19 Emergency Health Wayfinding Planning and Implementation Webinar
Implement and Deliver Role-Based Emergency Ingress & Egress Indoor/Outdoor Navigation from Point A to Final Resource Location in 10 business days.
Manage route navigation for multiple user types
Control, update and share resource locations in real-time
Protect patients, staff and resources
Seamless indoor/outdoor transition for multi-location coordination

As our communities and hospitals prepare for an increasing number of COVID-19 patients, indoor navigation offers the ability to protect patients, staff and resources.
“Over the next two months, 4.8 million patients will be admitted to hospitals because of coronavirus.” Dr. James Lawler, University of Nebraska Medicine, March 5, 2020.
30% of first-time visitors to hospitals get lost.
On average, in a standard hospital, nurses and doctors spend 4,500 hours annually directing patients (and these are not normal times).
MapsPeople gives you real-time control to route patients, staff and vendors along desired paths to reduce exposure and congestion.
Please join us as we share how to implement and deploy an emergency indoor/outdoor navigation system for hospitals and health communities in 10 days.